Northeast Natural Medicine
Naturopathic Care in CT and Beyond
Detoxification Programs
Do You Want:
More energy,
Weight loss,
Digestive relief,
Better focus, and/or
Improved sleep ?
Then a detoxification program may be right for you !
What is a detoxification program?
These words mean different things to different people. ·A growing body of research shows many chronic health conditions are worsened by and/or due to prolonged exposure to various toxic agents in our body as well as things we are often ingesting as part of our lifestyle. These toxins come from industry, residential and commercial pesticides and herbicides, lead and other toxic metals in our waterways and soil, cosmetics, food containers, fossil fuels, building materials, and more. Sadly, every person in the United States studied, regardless of diet or place of residence, has been found to have some amount of toxic material stored in their body. For example, microplastics have been shown to be prevalent in the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe; so it came to be that they are being discovered in the blood, lung tissue and placentas of living people.
Many cultures around the world have historically used different therapies to perform a “cleanse”, or detoxify. Varieties include simple water fasts to elaborate bowel emptying regimes. No matter what specific method is used, consideration should be given to:
1. Increased attention to what comes into a program participant
2. Increased intentionality to what comes out of that program participant
3. Decreasing inflammation
Detoxification programs can be considered in 2 categories:
A. Non-specific detoxification programs- General guidelines for groups of people trying to ease body burden and decrease inflammation in a broad way.
B. Specific detoxification programs- Physician-supervised, individually tailored strategies to address particular health concerns and illnesses like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, chronic infections like Lyme disease or candida, Breast-Implant Illness, Heart Disease, Diabetes, allergies, auto-immune diseases, etc.
At Northeast Natural Medicine, we offer each of the above. Different times of year bring different emphasis for general programs, from which many people can benefit. Below is a description of such programs which can be done as simple supplement and lifestyle protocols or combined with clinical body composition testing and needle-less auricular acupuncture therapy, for a more comprehensive effort.
Alternatively, specific detoxification programs which are physician-supervised and intended to treat specific concerns would require an office visit or consultation and can be scheduled by contacting the clinic.

Ever consider support when indulging at holiday feasts? Or when trying to avoid them!
Prime yourself before the challenges of a hopefully-not-too-stressful holiday season. This protocol is extended to patients of Northeast Natural Medicine with the purpose of helping a person have less dietary temptations and better process what they do consume. Unless a patient is being actively managed by the clinic, some ingredients may be contraindicated, based on an individual's current prescription or supplement use.

Available through Wholescripts when accessed through our online portal, the Holiday Detox and Navigation Package can be found under 'Provider Protocols'.

Springtime has an intuitive association with detoxification; have you ever found yourself doing 'spring cleaning'?
Spring is the season of the Wood element and the corresponding meridians are the Liver and Gallbladder, according to The Five Element Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Birth, growth, and rejuvenation are all obvious aspects of this time of year and the focal meridians are likewise more affected.
Western medicine also readily identifies the liver as the primary organ of detoxification in many types of reactions in the body, as it breaks down endogenous and foreign compounds alike, preparing them for incorporation into the body or excretion from it.
This becomes a prime opportunity to undergo a detoxification program. These can run for 4 weeks, with strategic meal replacement being used at least 10 of those days, if not longer. This protocol is offered to patients of Northeast Natural Medicine with the intention to facilitate the above mentioned goals for non-specific detoxification programs, such as decreasing inflammation, improving gastrointestinal functioning and supporting healthy weight management. Unless a patient is being actively managed by the clinic, some ingredients may be contraindicated, based on an individual's current prescription or supplement use.
Available through Wholescripts when accessed through our online portal.

Autumn is one of the best times of year for a detoxification protocol!
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), autumn is the season of harvest, "... a time to pull inward and gather together on all levels, a time to store up fuel, food, …a time to study and plan for the approaching stillness of winter. Everything in nature contracts and moves its essence inward and downward. Leaves and fruit fall, seeds dry, the sap of trees goes into roots…” – Paul Pitchford 'Healing With Whole Foods'
The Five Element Theory of TCM associates autumn with the Metal element and two meridians, the Lung and Large Intestine - both perfect for detoxification as they are organs of elimination. Though the dietary emphasis of TCM may move towards sour flavor and foods that have a moistening effect this time of year, there is still movement to harness during the season.
Thus a detoxification program can be undertaken for 4 weeks, with strategic meal replacement being used in evenings the first 10 days, or longer. This protocol is offered to patients of Northeast Natural Medicine with the intention to facilitate the above mentioned goals for non-specific detoxification programs, such as decreasing inflammation, improving gastrointestinal functioning and supporting healthy weight management. Unless a patient is being actively managed by the clinic, some ingredients may be contraindicated, based on an individual's current prescription or supplement use.

Available through Wholescripts when accessed through our online portal, the Seasonal Detox Package can be found under 'Provider Protocols'.